Contact no:8885035382,080-22955928/22955929
Item No.1:-All that piece and parcel of Residential Flat bearing No. GF-001, Ground Floor on the Western side in the Apartment known as "Ramya Sadana" with the Super Built Up Area of 1834.25 sq.ft. & 675 sq.ft. of undivided share over the land along with one car parking slot in the basement measuring 200 sq.ft. comprised in BDA site No. 1014, Municipal No. 24/1, Corporation No. 1014/24, PID No. 34-112-24/1, situated at 11th Main Road, Ward No. 34, BBMP, Railway Pipeline Road, RPC Layout, Hampinagar, Vijayanagar, Bengaluru -560040 belonging to Mr. Nagaraju Gubba. Boundaries of Flat: East by: Corridor, Entrance & then Flat No. 02. West by:
Open to Sky, North by: Open to Sky, South by: Open to Sky.