Contact Ms. Sangeeta Kadam : +91 9819616384/Ms. Jyoti Sharma : +91 9970676535/Mr. Pankaj Rohilla : +91 9158364409, (022) 49220555
All that piece or parcel of land bearing Plot No. D-8 in the Tarapur Industrial Area of Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC), within the village limits of Salwad, Taluka and District Palghar, containing by admeasuring 2,74,745.80 square meters or thereabouts and bounded as follows:On or towards the North by: Drainage Strip, MIDC Road (R.W.30.50), On or towards the South by :MIDC Boundary & Plot No. K-6/3 to K-16,On or towards the East by: Plot No. D-7/2; and On or towards the West by: Plot No. D-7/2; and