Contact no:8885035382,080-22955928/22955929
Item No.5: All that part and parcel of Residential Flat bearing No.107, in the first floor of the multistoried building known as "IHFD Apartments", having super built up area of 1392 Sq.ft along with 2.6348% (ie 568.85 Sq.ft) of undivided share, right, title and interest in the land measuring 21,590 Sq.ft, constructed on property bearing No.11 (Old No.111), Municipal No. 11/14, PID No.50-5-11/14, situated at Vasavi Temple Road, V.V Puram, Bengaluru, belonging to Mr. B. Kanagaachalam. Boundaries of Land as per Document: East: Private Road, West: Vasavi Temple Street, North M. Krishna Rao Scindia Road, South: Site bearing No. 112 (Old). Boundaries of Flat: East: Open to Sky, West: Corridor & Fiat No. 105, North: Open to Sky, South: Flat No.108.