AUTHORISED OFFICER -5709192020, 9620704415200949979729 or 079-25585600
Item No.2-Name of Property Owner-Ramta Krishnakumar Khetan
Description of property-All that prete and parties of Flat bearing No 100 en 1st Floor of Prakrus Apartners, Blutar Road with 1500 Sq. Ft. (Le 139 33 54. Mr) af built up area with all nights in commen areas and facillimes together with undivided proportionate lane admeaswing about 29 14 Mts underneath the sand building to astrattee on the land atmeasuring about 1434.21 Sq. Mt. Laad bearing Revenue Survey No 4 paik of Village Mapura, ane final Plec no. 51 puiki of T. P. Scheme No, é ant City Survey Nonch No. 827/2 827/3 pаж 827/4 рак 327/9 paik and $27/10 parki of City Survey Ward Maura, Taluka Choryas, District Sarat with other appurtenant aghts & improvements thereon in the same of Mrs Ramta Krishnakumar Chetan motelully described in the Sale Dood dated 30-03-2011 registered as Dec No. 56-46/2003 of SRD Surat-1 (Alwa) Nonh: (15 no.827/2P (COP) Word Majura. South CTS no 827/28 aed (75 ro827-4P of Ward Majara, Fast CTS no 827/9F and CTS по 827 GOP of Ward Majura, West (15 no. 827/3F and (15 mo 827/4p of olard Majura. Encumbrances known to the Bank-No Encumbrance