Authorized Officer (Karthi Govindasamy) Mobile No:9344684194
Property of Mrs. Kunisetty Lakshmi Kameswaramma W/o Mr. Kunisetty Siva Venkata. Nageswara Rao (Sale Deed Document No: 1094 of 1993 dated 17-02-1993): Guntur District, Guntur Sub District in Pedapalakaluru Grama Panchayati area in Pedapalakaluru village D.No.358/2-A-3 in extent of Ac.2.39 Cents out of which in an extent of Ac.0.35 cents northern side land sold, is bounded by: East Land of Kataru Palalochana. South: Land purchased by Kunisetty Siva Venkata Nageswara Rao, West:Land of Peram Govinda Rao, North: Nagarjuna Sagar Canal. Within these boundaries an extent of Ac.0.15 cents or 0.060 hectares or 726 Square Yards landand thereabouts