Contact No : 82205 33743, 94437 59259
All that part and parcel of land admeasuring 4000 Sq.ft in Old Survey No.6/3, New T.S.No.4/1, Ward No.D, Block No.7 along with all other improvements, usufructs, mamool right of way and all other easementary rights therein in Mettur Village, Mettur Taluk, Salam West Sub Registration District, Salem District owned by Mr.Suresh Babu, more fully described in Partition Deed No 427/2000 dated 31.03.2000 and Release deed No. 19/2015 dated 05.01.2014 of SRO Mettur and bounded as follows: East of the Lands of Southern Railway, West of remaining Lands of Saroja and others, North of the lands of Mettur Textile Mill, South of Southern Railway Road