Ashish Dahat Contact Number- 9407868444 Abhishek Pawar Contact Number-9029671255
(iv) MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: All That Piece And Parcel Of Flat No. 7. Admeasuring 657 Sq. Fts. IE. 61.03 Sq. Mirs. (Built-Up Area), On 2nd Floor in The A-Wing In The Buliding Known As Shree Laxmi Prasad Co-Op. Housing Society Ltd.". Constructed On Land Bearing C.T.S No. 244/A, +244/B+244/C, Situated At Nana Peth Pune, Within The Limits Of Registration District-Pune, Sub-Registration District & Tal-Haveli And Also Within The Limits Of Pune Municipal Corporation, Maharashtra-411002, And Bounded As-East: Adj. Property, West: Adj. Flat No. 8, North: Entrance Passage & South: Adj. Property