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All that part and parcel of land with structure bearing Sale Deed No. 1-2837 dated 09.03.2017, in the Name of Mr. Akbar All, Sio. Alauddin Sk., Area-3.73 Decimal, Kh. No. LR-5636. Plot No. LR-906/1901 Mouza Beliashyampur, J.L. No. 07 Classification Residential cum Commercial within Bhagwangola 1 Gram Panchayet, P.S. Bhagwangola, Dist - Murshidabad. The aforesaid properties are butted and bounded by: North: Vacant Land of Abdul Hossain & PWD Road, South: 10 Feet wide Mud Road, East: Own Road, West: House of Sabud Sk