North 24 Parganas
Contact Person: Branch-in- Charge, (Mob.) 84206 27232 /83349 99104
All that part and parcel of property of Amjad Ali Gazi (Guarantor And Mortgagor). All that piece and parcel of bastu land measuring 1 Cottah, 12 Chhattak and 38 Square Foot more or less along with single storied residential building situated at Mouza Uttarhat, Touzi No. 146, J.L. No. 78, Re. Sa. 264, Khatian No. R.S. 749, L.R. 766, Dag No. R.S. 432, L.R. 909, lying and situated at Ward No. 12. Barasat Municipality, Anowarpur Pargana, A.D.S.R.- Barasat, Dist-North 24 Parganas, West Bengal. The said property is butted & bounded as follows: On the North Other's Land. On the South: 6 FI Common Passage. On the East: Plot No. 2 of the Scheme, On the West: Other's Land, (Property under Constructive Possession