Contact M: 7722039869 Contact No: 8291220220
All the flat bearing Flat No G-4, Admeasuring 80 Sq. Mts. Situated on the ground floor of Building "Galaxy Complex" along with 100 Sq Mt. of land being proportionate undivided right/share in the said property, constructed in Plot No. 1 admeasuring 1142 Sq. Mts forming part of larger property known as FOTTICHEM BATULEM or also known as FOTTICHEM BHATTE situate within the jurisdiction of Village Panchayath of Soccorro, Taluka and Sub District of Bardez, North Goa, Goa, surveyed under Survey No.41/1 of Village Socorro (owned by Mr. Murali Kannan and Mrs. Indrani Kannan) and bounded as under :- North by: By open space bearing Survey No.41/1 of Village Sucorro. South by: By Public Road East by: By the properties surveyed under survey no. 40/2, 40/3, 40/4 and 40/5 of Village Socorro West by: By Plot No.2 and Plot no. 3 of the property bearing Survey No.41/1 of village Socorro