Authorised Officer Tel. No. 2849 6339/6900 Ph. No. 044-28496900/28496339
Property II: Property in the name Mr.P.Venkatesan, vide Doc. No.1575/1996 All that piece and parcel of residential land and building at R.S No 73, Door No 23, Gandhi Veethi. Boodhanur Village, Viruthachalam, Cuddalore Dist. Measuring 1445 sq ft of RCC Terraced roof Building and the land measuring an extent of Acre 0.03 Cents and bounded on the North by: Marimuthu House, South by: Murugesa Padayachi House, East by: Road, West by: Elango House Garden And situated within the Registration District of Virudachalam and Sub-Registration District of Virudachalam Joint-1.