Mr. Parveen Verma-Mob: 7015894944, Mr. M. R. Jadeja-Mob.: 98252 89952 and Mr. Jagdish Kumar-Mob: 7389589964
Property Constructed on Lands Admeasuring 1802.35 Sq. Mts. on Plot No. 47 within limits of Wankaner Industrial Estate, bearing City Survey No. 5909 of Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC), At. Wankaner. Dist: Morbi-363 621 in the name of M/s Shivam Ceramics (Partnership Firm). (Property Description mentioned in Registered Lease Deed No. 620 Dated 16.03.2007) Bounded: On the East by: Estate Boundary, On the West by: 12.0 Mts. Wide Road, On the North by: Plot No. 48, On the South by: Plot No.46