Authorised officer on Tel No. 044-2628 4322
Detailed description of the immovable property with known encumbrances, if any: Item No.2: All that Piece and Parcel of property (along with the buildings, sheds and other structures) at Koduru Bit 1 Village, Koduru Bit 1 Panchayat, comprised in S.No. 430/B, 431-1A, Patta No 105 land measuring Acre 2.50 Cents bounded on the North by Land belonging to Kylasam Srinivasa Reddy, South by Land belonging to Pidura Sudhakar Reddy, East by J Ramachandraiah purchased dry land and West by Road (Government Donka) within Sub-Registration Dist of Indukurpet and the Registration Dist of Nellore, Andhra Pradesh with the property in the name of M/s Sai Bhargavi Hatcheries Pvt Ltd.