Mr. Jitendra Kumar Mob.No.9110263878 TelNo. 044-23454384/85
2. Detailed description of the immovable property with known encumbrances, if any: PROPERTY No.1: All that piece and parcel of land bearing Plot No.3 to an extent of 1533 Sq.ft. on the North Eastern side together with the three storied building of 972 Sq.ft in ground floor, 1096 Sq. ft in First floor, and 515 Sq. It in Second floor situated at "Sri Balaji Nagar" Thiruvengadapuram Village in Thadam perumbakkam group, in old S. No. 111/1B and new S.No. 111/31 as per Patta No.5638, Ponneri Taluk, Thiruvallur District and situated within the limits of Thadamperumbakkam Panchayat, Minjur Panchayat Union and bounded on the North by: Shed; South by: Part of Plot No.3 and 5 feet wide passage, East by: 24 Feet Wide Road: West by: Part of Plot No.3.