Contact Mr. Manish Pandey, Chief Manager, Punjab National Bank, M: 9331391133
1(a). All that piece and parcel of the unfurnished duplex Bunglow No. 12 in Camellia Heritage admeasuring 383 sq. ft. on the ground floor and 427 sq. ft. on the first floor consisting of two bed rooms, one living cum dining hall, three toilets balcony, one open kitchen space having one small lawn the front and a kitchen garden in the rear and parking space for a standard size car on more or less 2 cottahs of land Mouza- Taltor within SRO- Bolpur, JL No. 69, Touzi No. 141 Dag No. 1275, RS Khatian No. 450, LR Khatian No. 765 Dist. Birbhum, West Bengal in Camellia Heritage along with easement rights on common facilities like 6.5 m wide road transformer, common water services, common park etc