North 24 Parganas
) Shri Surya Dutt Santoshi (Authorised Officer), Mobile No.: 94153 51964 (2) Shri Subhankar Mandal (Branch Manager), Mobile No.: 96148 05973
All that piece and parcel of Bastu land measuring about 5 Shatak be the same a little more or less along with any construction standing thereon lying and situated under Mouza-172 No Hal 64 No Manikgramchak, Touzi No. 3380 (50889), Hal 16, R.S. Kattian 52, Present L.R. Khatian 69, Sabek Dag No. 184. Hal Dag No. 203 under Gopalpur 1 No. Gram Panchayet, P.S.- Bongaon, Dist.-North 24 Parganas, recorded in Book No. I, CD Volume. No. 14, Page from 305 to 308, being No. 940 for the year 2004, registered at A.D.S.R.O Bongaon, North 24 Parganas. This property butted and bounded by: North Property of Ramesh Majumder, South-Property of Rabin Biswas, East-Property of Bicharan Halder, West - Property of Ajit Mondal. The Property stands in the name of Sri Sadhan Biswas, Sio. Sri Nikhil Chandra Biswas, Vill-Roypur, P.O.Panchita, P.S. - Bongaon Dist.-North 24 Parganas, Pin-743 235