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SCHEDULE- (Property Owned By S.Dhanabalan) Land and Buildingssituated in Tanjore District, Tanjore Talak, Buthala Sub Registrar Office. Padukud Vadapatti Village. Item No: 1. SF.No 1506A/11 out of Hec 0.37.0 in this Ac 108 Certs 5488 Sqft-334 50 meter with in the following four Boundaries East of: Theumurthy Paul, West of Dhanabatan Put Purchased from Arockiyadan, South of Chanabalan Plot, North of Titchy-Tanore Road BamNo: 2. SFN 150/54/11, out of Hec 037.0 0 in this Ac.0.09 Cants-3924 Soft-365 Sq meter within the following four Boundaries North of Trichy Tanjore Main Rood East of: Dhanahalan Plot Purchased hom Grace, South of Dharabolan Plot, West of Saravaran Plot. Item No: 3.5FNo 15064/11-New Survey No. 150/18 Ac0.08 Dents-3488 S-324.25 meter within the Sollowing Boundaries West of Chanabalan Plot Purchased in SFNo 150/18, East of Pandian Pict, South of Dhanabiolan Piol, North of Trichy Tanjure Main Road llum No: 45.F.No 1506/11 out of Hec 0.37.0 in the Ac0.00 Cems 3924 5g -305 Sq meter within the following for Boundaries North of Trichy-Tanjore Road, South of Dharatalan Lant, East of Chanabalan Plot Purchased from Arochiyudas, West of: Vacant Plut. Bem No: 5.5 FNO 150/6A/11 - New Survey No. 15020 Ac. 010 Cents-4360 Sqft-405.05 So meter within the following Boundaries South of: Tasek Company Land, North of Trichy Tanyore Man Road, East of: Plot No. 19. West of: Plot No. 21. Item No: SFNc 15016/4/11. Naw Survey No. 150/19 Ac. 008 Cents-3488 5qft-324.25gneter within the following four Boundaries East of: The Pilot Purchased in B.F.No 150/18. West of: Land of Rav North of Trichy Tanjors Main Road, South of Dhanabalan Plat