Telephone: 044-25532962, Cel No 9344023513
Schedule-C (Property Owned By M.Suresh Kumar) All that piece and parcel of 445 Sq ft. of UDS of land in the total Area of 5 grounds with Flat No.3, 2nd Floor, Block No.D with plinth area of 927 Sq.ft. and one covered car park at Plot Nos A, A to D. Sarangapani Nagar Road, Madavaram, Chennai, comprised in Old S.No 913 Part TS No.324 of Madhavaram Vilage, Madhavaram Taluk and Thiruvallur District, Land being Bound on the North by-30 Feet wide Road Sarangapani Nagar Road, South by- Property bearing S No.908, East by Property bearing S. No.907 and Sarangapani Nagar Road, West by- Property bearing S.No. 913 Part and lying within the Sub Registration District of Madhavaram and Registration District of North Chennai.