Ph: 8331015732, 8332997013
Details and full description of the immovable properties with no encumbrances to the knowledge of the bank: All that part and parcel of Property Situated at Sy no 452/1, admeasuring 68 Sq Yds, bearing ground floor building 322 Sft and other civil works thereon situated at Pemamitta village, Santhanuthalapadu Mandal, Ongole Municipality, Prakasam District, AP standing in the name of Sri Gudluru Mallikarjuna. Bounded: North by: 3 ft Wide way and Others property, South by: House wall of Ramanjakota Narasimha Rao, East by. Property of Parvatham Yedukondalu, West by: House of Papani Narasimha Rao