Authorised Officer's Details: Name: Sri K.S.H Sastry (Chief Manager), Mobile No.89784 80704,99204 59242
All that part and parcel of Residential Plot admeasuring 240 Sq. Yds (Near Door No.8-41) along with RCC roofed building constructed upon that situated in Sy.No.268/2 & 268/3, Tripuranthakam Mandal & Village, Markapuram R.D, Yerragondapalem S.D, Prakasam District, A.P belongs to Sri Dudekula Peda Nasarvali (S/o. D. Nadipi Narasaiah), vide Registered Sale Deed No. 1620/2012, dated 03.09.2012 of SRO-Yerragondapalem. Boundaries: East: Site belongs to Smt. Shaik Hussainbi, West: Site belongs to K. Venkata Narasaiah, North: Site belongs to Smt. Shaik Hussainbi, South: 18 ft Wide Road