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Tuticorin District. Tuticorin Registration District, Tuticorin Melur Sub-Registration Saragam, Tuticorin Taluk, Meelavittan Village, now Tuticorin Municipal 21st Ward, Town Survey Ward C Block No. 12. T.S.No. 33 Part 7 comprising Acres 42 Cents of land in Survey No.518/1 at Meelavittan Village out of which Southem 2 Acres 19 Cents of land and Centre 2 Acres 19 Cents of land, Totalling to an extent of 4 Acres 38 Cents of land divided into housing plots as per Tuticorin Commissionens lay-out proceedings No.61.9108/90, MCR No.953 dated 31-12-92 and town planning directors proceedings Nos. 12568/91 and 1091/91 dated 27-07-91 bearing Survey No.518/1, now T.S.No. 33 Part comprising 2,376 sq.ft., of land le: 5.45 Cents of land bearing Plot No 25. Bounded, On the North by: Plot No. 21 land and land allotted for shops. On the South by: Plot No.26 land, On the East by: 40 ft. breadth North-South Road. On the West by: Plot No.22 and sold in favour of S. Balasubramanian and his wife Tmi 8. Saraswathi. Measuring East-West on the North-60 ft. on the South-72 ft., North-South on the West and East 36 ft. Totalling to an extent of 2,376 sq. ft., of landia 5.45 Cents of land