Contact no:94440 42504,044-24865232/24862664/94440 42504
Item No. 1: Title Holder: Mr. P Kalidass, S/o Pachiappan All that Piece and Parcel of the Land measuring 1120 Sq.ft. along with Building with T.N.E.B Service connection, situated at Plot No.103 Eastern Side, comprised in Survey Numbers 150/1A, 151/1A and 151/1C, Patta No. 13462 and as per Patta New Survey No. 151/16, Janaki Nagar, Lamech Street, Valasaravakkam, Chennai- 600087. North By Sheik Fathimas Beevi's Land, South By: Rani Dharmaraj & Rajathi Rajasingh's Land, East By: Road, West By: Gousia Begum's Land