Contact No : Mr.Prabhakaran-7418281709, 0891-2799297, 9392277773
All that pieces and parcel of the property site
measuring an extent of 87 Sq. yards or 72.743 Sq.Mtrs. bearing Plot No. 129-A together with RCC Building bearing D.No.5-156/4/1, Asst No. 1000006/66164 covered by S.No. 182/2, of Chinamushidivada situated at Teacher Co-Operative House Building Society Ltd., Reg. No.B-1764 Pendurthi Sub Registry, Visakhapatnam within the limits of GVMC, Vizag and situated within the following boundaries: North: Site in Plot No. 129, South: 80 feet Road, East: 30 feet Road, West: Site in Plot No. 128A. Total extent of Area of 87 Sq.yards or 72.743 Sq.Mtrs of land and building has got all usual pathway rights and easement rights relating thereto