Union Bank of India Auctions for Land in Olandai, Puducherry
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 1,24,00,000
Branch Name
:Stressed Assets Management Branch
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 12,40,00,000
Contact Details :
Mr. M Gopal Tukkappa, Mob: 8437024555, Chief Manager: D Deepa Devi, Mob. 8056159406, Senior Manager: Mr. Balakrishna N, Mob. 9642743213
Description of immovable secured assets to be Sold "as is where is", "as is what is" basis: Property No.1: Belonging to Mrs.N.Laxmi: All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Puducherry sub Registration District, Puducherry Municipal Limit, No.41, Olandai Revenue Village As per document T.S No.8/4, R.S. No. 49/1pt, Cad. No. 156pt, 158pt, 159pt & 160pt, as per settlement register T. S.No.8/4/1, Patta No. 15, Ward No. "K" Block No.6 in total extent of 12 Khuzies 12 veesams or 7344 Sq. Ft.of Nanja land and covered by following boundaries: East of New Path, North of Land belongs to Mania Natarajan and vendor, West of TS.No 8/5 in Sheru Manjula and Pushpa H. Patel, South of T.S.No.8/4Pt, 8/5, Mania Natarajan. Property No.2 Belonging to Mrs.Pushpa H Patel All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Puducherry sub-Registration District, Puducherry Municipal Limit, No.41, Olandai Revenue Village, As per document T.S No.8/4, R.S. No. 49/1pt, Cad. No. 156pt, 158pt, 159pt & 160pt, as per settlement register T. S.No.8/4/R, Patta No. 15, Ward No. "K" Block No.6 in total extent of 12 Khuzies 13 veesams or 7380 Sq. Ft and covered by following boundaries: East of Land belongs to Vendor's, North of Land belongs to Sampath Kumari, Manjula and New path, West of Land belongs to Heerabai, South of T.S.No.8/5. Property No.3: Belonging to Mrs. Laxmi N Patel, Mrs. Pushpa H Patel & Mrs. Heerabai All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Puducherry sub-Registration District, Puducherry Municipal Limit, No.41, Olandai Revenue Village, As per settlement register T.S.No.8/6, R.S.No.52/4Part, Cad. No. 161part, Patta No.2129, Ward No.K, Block No.6 in total extent of 6,876 Sq.ft. , and covered by following boundaries: K, Block No.6 in T.S. No 8/5 & Purchaser's land, North of Ward K, Block No. 6 in T.S. No.8/5 & Purchaser's land, West of: 100 ft Road, South of East of Ward Ward K, Block No.6 in T.S. No.8/5 & Purchaser's land. Property No.1 to 3 contains a total area of 21,600Sq.Ft.