IKF Finance Limited Auctions for Plot in Tanuku, West Godavari
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 5,00,000
Branch Name
:Registered Office - Vijayawada
Service Provider
:Public Auction
Reserve Price : ₹ 50,00,000
Contact Details :
Sri D. Srinivasa Rao, Mobile No. 9866509585,0866-2474644
Item No.4: All the part and parcel of Approved layout plan No. 28/2005, RC No.10220/2004/R Dated 11.02.2005, Polt Nos. 59 and 60 in RS No.204/1, Residential vaccant site and G+2 RCC Roofed building, D.No. 1-14-91 Asst No.1081019328 with an Extent of 587 Sq
yards and build area GF:2542 Sq.ft, FF 2542 Sq.ftand SF 1146 Sq.ft (Total G+2 build up area 6232 Sq.ft) situated in Tanuku Municipality and Town, West Godawari District with in the limits of Tanuku Sub-Registry, being bounded by: i) Plot No.59 Boundaries
(An Extent of 317 Sq.yards), East: Gostha Nadhi Canal road-42 ft., South: Plot No.60-70.80 ft., West: Land of Parimi Parvathi Manohari -30.40 ft., North: Plot No. 58-86.70 ft., (ii) Plot No.60 Boundaries (An Extent of 270 Sq.yards): East: Gostha Nadhi Canal
road-40.00 ft., South: Land of Chitturi China krishna Rao & other 55.30 ft., West: Land of Parimi Parvathi Manohari-37.00 ft., North:
Plot No. 59-70.80 ft., Total extent of i & is 587 Sq.yards or 490.79 Sq.mtrs in D.No.1-14-91 RCC building in Ground to Second floor
Item No.5: All the part and parcel of Aproved layout plan No 28/2005, RC No. 10220/2004/R, Dated 11.02.2005 Plot No.58, in RS No. 204/1, Residential vacant site in an extent of 375 Sq yards with D.No. 1-14-91, situated in Tanuku Municipality and Town, West Godawari District with in the limits of Tanuku Sub-Registry, being bounded by: Boundaries: East: Gostha Nadhi Canal road-41.00 ft., South: Plot No. 59-86.70 ft., West: Land of Parimi Parvathi Manohari -30.10 ft., North: Plot No. 55&57-103.30 ft