Auction Id: #369797

Canara Bank Auctions for House in Barasat, Kolkata

calendar13-11-2024 11:30 AM

Bank Details

Bank Name
:₹ 6,50,000
Branch Name
Service Provider

Reserve Price : ₹ 65,00,000

Contact Details :

Contact Person: Branch-in- Charge, (Mob.) 83349 99109/ 83349 99104


All that a plot of land Scheme "Plot No. 54" measuring about 03 (Three) Cottahs 00 (Zero) Chittak 00 (Zero) Sq.ft attributable to the unit [land share] along with residential two storied dwelling house in the ground floor measuring about 1313 Sq.ft, First Floor measuring about 1449 Sq.ft & Mezzanine Floor measuring about 156 Sq.ft, comprised in the R.S. / L.R Dag Nos. 3085 & 3082 corresponding to the C.S. Dag Nos. 1405, 1406 & 1427 in the L.R. Khatian No. 1834/1 corresponding to the R.S. Khatian No. 970 at Mouza - Uttarhat, J.L. No. 78, P.S. Barasat Municipal Holding No. 250/1, Taki Road (North) within the limit of the Ward No. 17 of the Barasat Municipality, District - North 24 Parganas, Kolkata-700 124, which is Butted and Bounded by: On the North By Land of Tarun Chakraborty, On the South - By 6' wide Common Passage, On the East - By Land of Subhra Saha, On the West - By 16' wide Common Municipal Road. (Property under Constructive Possession

Province/State : West Bengal
City/Town : Kolkata
Area/Town : Barasat

Property Details

Borrower Name
:Sri Piyush Chattrejee
Asset Category
Property Type
Auction Type
:Sarfaesi Auction
Auction Start Time
: 13-11-2024 11:30 AM
Auction End Date
: 13-11-2024 01:30 PM
Application Submision Date
:  11-11-2024 05:00 PM


Sale Notice 1 : Sale Notice 1