State Bank of India Auctions for Plot in Khamanno, Fatehgarh Sahib
Bank Details
Reserve Price : ₹ 33,15,000
Contact Details :
Contact Sh. Subhash Chander Μ.: 9728558877 Sh. Mousam Pal, Μ.: 9817280079
All that part and Parcel of Residential Property measuring OK-6M, comprised in Khewat/Khatauni No. 160/178, Khasra No. 15//17/1/4(0-6), Kitta 1, as per Jamabnadi for the Year 1996-97, situated at Ward No. 3, Khamano, Tehsil Khamanno, Distt. Fatehgarh Sahib, in the name of Sh. Rameshwar Shah S/o Sh. Ram Chalitar Shah vide Sale Deed No. 110 Dt. the 26.04.2002 . Bounded as below:- East: House of Sh. Harpal Singh; West: House of Sh. Krishan Kumar, North: Street, South: Field of Sh. Sadhu Singh.