State Bank of India Auctions for Commercial Shop in Muchipara, Kolkata
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 4,62,300
Branch Name
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 46,23,000
Contact Details :
Mobile No.: 9674710816
Shop Room no.1, 2 &3 on the Ground Floor (All rooms attached together) of the G+ IV storied commercial cum residential area: 441 sq ft super built up area shop room vide no. 1, vide Deed of Conveyance no. 10999 of year 2006, in the eastern side of the Ground Floor measuring about 166.4 sq ft, shop room vide no.2, vide Deed of Conveyance no.11002 of year 2006 in the eastern side of the Ground Floor, measuring about 166.4 sq ft and shop room vide no 3, vide Reg Deed of Sale no.00013 of year 2009 in the North-East corner of the Ground Floor, measuring about 108.2 sq ft), including super-built up area more or less, with proportionate share of land lying and situated at piece and parcel of land measuring 7 cottahs be the same a little more or less together structure standing there on under premises no. 2, Dr. Amal Roy Chowdhury Lane, Kolkata 700009. P.S. Muchipara, Dist: Kolkata, within the Ward No.49 of Kolkata Municipal Corporation, ARA -II Kolkata. Boundaries: On the North: Raj Kumar Chakraborty Sarani, On the South: 1/1 , Dr Amal Roy Choudhury Lane, On the East: Premises No.5. Raj Kumar Chakraborty Lane, On the West: Dr Amal Roy Choudhury Lane