Union Bank of India Auctions for House in Rahata, Ahmednagar
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:₹ 1,24,400
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:Regional Office
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Reserve Price : ₹ 12,44,000
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All the piece and parcel of residential property land and building, house Sr no. 18/5 part, Situated at Mauli Nagar on internal road, near Silveroak platinum and Shirdi-Pimpalwad Road, area 100 Sq Mtr at Shirdi, Tal. Rahata, Dist. Ahmed- nagar-423109 owned by Ramu Khushal Varma and Mrs. Meena Ramu Varma Property bounded as under: East: 10ft internal Road, West: Out of Sr no. 18part, South: Out of Sr no. 18 part of Shri. Shinde Subhash, North: Out of Sr no.18 part