Central Bank of India Auctions for Flat in Shikharewadi, Nashik
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 4,70,000
Branch Name
:Nashik Branch
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 47,00,000
Contact Details :
Mob No. 7798988773, Chief Manager, Nasik City Br. Mob No. 9923200371
All the piece and parcel of property Shop No. 9, First Floor "E-1 Building, Star Zone Apartment, Builtup Area 121.72 sq.mt. carper 86.23 sq.mtr., City Survey No. 4209 to 4216 and Survey No. 17A/2, Survey No. 17B and Survey No. 17C/4 at Mauze Deolali, Opp. Shikharewadi, Nasik-Pune Road, Nasik Road, Nasik Bounded as:- East: Adj. Survey No. 17C/5+6, CTS No. 4207 & 4208 West: Open Space North: Nasik Pune Road South: Adj. Survey No. (Property is in Physical Possession with Bank