State Bank of India Auctions for Commercial Property in Janmath, Muzaffarnagar
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 35,10,000
Branch Name
:Stressed Asset Recovery Branch
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 3,51,00,000
Contact Details :
Mr. Manmohan Chohls : 7055553155 St. Jai Narayan : 8000456400
Factory Land and Building vide khaara No. 510, Aree 83007 hectare and 2281 hectare situated at revenue estats of Vitage Salarpur, Pargana Joli Jansath, Thell Jansath, Distt. Muzzaffarngar UP HYPOTHECATION OF: Plant and Machinery instalied at the Factory Land at khasrafi 510 Village Salarpur, Pergana Joli Jarsath, Tehall Janmath, Distt. Muzzaffarna U.P GST at applicatée rate on machinery payabis on 20% of sale price will te bom by Auction purcisser