Punjab National Bank Auctions for Land And Building in P.S. Binpore, Jhargram
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 3,55,000
Branch Name
:Circle Office
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 35,56,000
Contact Details :
Contact Tel.: 97331 03551/9938009960/03222-263808
Equitable mortgage of land & building lacated at J.L. No. 305, Kh. No. 92, Plot No. 216 covering Area 9.00 Decimal 15 Decimal converted as bastu), at Mouza Sada, P.S.-Binpore, PS.-Binpore, Dist-Jhargram vide Deed No. 2031 dated 04.10. 1985 at ADSR Sida, in the name of Mrs. Kalyani Sen. The Property is Butted & Bounded by: North Umapada Bera. South Radhaballav Das, East: Road. West: Hari Sadhan Majumdar (The Property is under Symbolic Possession)