Equitas Small Finance Bank Ltd. Auctions for Land And Building in Ammanambakkam, Chengalpattu
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 42,600
Branch Name
:Registered Office:Chennai
Service Provider
:bankeauctions.com / C1 India
Reserve Price : ₹ 4,26,000
Contact Details :
Manu Needhi Chozhan: 9884854154, Madhusekar.D: 8072120286
Description of the Immovable Property): All the piece and parcels of land and building, comprised in Old S.No. 160/9 part, New S.No. 160/21, with an extent of 2840 Sq.ft., which is situated at Ammanambakkam Village, Ammanambakkam Taluk, Chengalpetu District, and bounded on North by: S.No. 116/1K, 1L, South by S.No. 160/20 and 160/22, East by: S.No. 160/26 in Chinnaraj Land, West by: S.No. 160/18 in Common Passage Measurement: Nil situated at within the Sub-Registration District of Thirukazhukundram and Registration District of Chengalpattu. Together with all buildings and structure attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything attached to earth, both present and future and all easamentary/mamool rights annexed thereto.