Canara Bank Auctions for Land And Building in Sholingar Taluk, Ranipet
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 8,18,900
Branch Name
:Head Office - Bengaluru
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 81,89,000
Contact Details :
AUTHORISED OFFICER Mob: 8667274348 Ph: 0416-2247091, Cell: 9498747491
S NO 2
Property-II: All that piece and parcel of the Vacant Site and a R.C.C. Terraced House situated at Ranipet District, Sholinghur Taluk, Ranipet Registration District, Nemili SRO, Banavaram Village, Old S.No.275/7, New S.No.275/64, Measuring East to West 98 ft, North to South Eastern side 16 ft, Western side 22.3 ft, Totaling 1877 Sq.ft in this Construction area East to West 53½ ft, North to South Eastern Side 16 ft, Western side 22.3 ft, totaling 1025 Sq.ft, with doors, Windows, Electrical fittings and Water taps Connections etc., Boundaries: On the North by: Eswarappa Vagaiyara House, On the South by: Manga Ammal House, On the East by: Nagammal Site, On the West by: Gandhi Road. Owner of the Property: Mr. K Suresh.