Karnataka Bank Auctions for Plot in Hindupur, Anantapur
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 5,31,157
Branch Name
:Asset Recovery Management Branch
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 53,11,575
Contact Details :
Phone 040-23755686, 040-23745686
All that part and parcel of Residential property, bearing Plot No. 30, measuring 124.22 Sq. yards and Plot No. 31, measuring 138.66 Sq. yards, situated at S. No. 126-3 & 298-1, Near D. No. 245, 15th Ward, Adireddypalyam, Madakasira, Madakasira Nagara Panchayathi, Hindupur S.R.D., Hindupur R.D., Anantapur District, along with under constructed building thereon belonging to Mr. Yerrappa and bounded as follows: For Plot No. 30 property is bounded by East: Plot No. 31, West: 13 feet Road, North: Plot No. 8 open site and South: Land of Dalappa, Chikkappaiah and Ramappa. For Plot No. 31 property is bounded by East: 13 feet Road, West: Plot No. 30 open site, North: Plot No. 9 open site and South: Land of Dalappa, Chikkappaiah and Ramappa. Location: Latitude & Longitude: 13°56'30.1" North and 77'15'30" East