Hinduja Housing Finance Ltd Auctions for Non- Agricultural Land in Sabarmati, Ahmedabad
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 5,40,160
Branch Name
:Corporate Office: Chennai
Service Provider
:bankeauctions.com / C1 India
Reserve Price : ₹ 54,01,600
Contact Details :
Contact Saurabhkumar Napit Mo.7874828789, Vikas Savariya Mo. 7984982904, Bunty Ramrakhiyani Mo. 9029004701 Hitesh Kumar Patel Mo.7048336601, Sushil Chaudhary Mo. 81 18818160, Nitin Samudre M. 8128310678
All part and parcel of non-agriculture Immovable property being Residential Flat No. B/G on Ground Floor, construction Adm. 78.44 Sq. Mts., with undivided share in the scheme of Karnavati (Paldi) Association known as "Kunthunath Apartment", in land of Final Plot No. 269 (As per AMC Tax Bill and Sale Deed) but Final Plot No. 268 (As per proposed plan and Rajachiththi) of T.P. Scheme No. 6 paiki Sub-Plot No. 5 Adm. 654 Sq. Mts., situated at Mouje: Paldi, Taluka: Sabarmati, Registration Sub-District: Ahmedabad-4(Paldi), District: Ahmedabad, and Currently Owned and Possessed by Mr. Ishwerbhai Harjibhai Desai which is bounded as under, East Main Gate, West Behind Gate North Approach Road South- Flat No.1 of Gujarat Society