Punjab National Bank Auctions for Land And Building in Tamluk., Purba Medinipur
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 1,67,500
Branch Name
:Circle Sastra
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 16,75,000
Contact Details :
Telephone No.: (03228) 266755/267483
Property 3: Equitable Mortgage covering all that part and parcel of the immovable properties consisting of land and building situated at Mouza- Parbatipur, P.S.-Tamluk, Dist-Purba Medinipur, Plot No. 171. J.L. No 143, Kh. No. 1092/1 (L.R.), Area-525 Sq.ft. (Super built up), Sarada Apartment, Flat No. A-1, Ground Floor, Nature of land Bastu (Flat) vide Deed of Conveyance being No. 3283 of 2011 Regd. at A.D.S.R-Tamluk. Owner: Sibani Midya, Dio. Basanta Kumar Midya