Punjab National Bank Auctions for Land And Building in Tamluk., Purba Medinipur
Bank Details
Reserve Price : ₹ 8,10,000
Contact Details :
Telephone No.: (03228) 266755/267483
Property 1: Equitable Mortgage covering all that part and parcel of the immovable properties consisting of land and building situated at Mouza Radhaballavpur, P.S. Tamluk, Dist Purba Medinipur, Plot No. 295, J.L. No. 137, Kh. No. 801, Area 6 Decimal, Nature of Land-Bastu vide Sale Deed No. 1770 of 2015 Regd. at D.S.R.Purba Medinipur. Owner: Krishnendu Midya, Sio. Late Paresh Chandra Midya