State Bank of India Auctions for Land in polavaram, West Godavari
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 62,30,000
Branch Name
:Stressed Assets Recovery Branch
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 6,23,00,000
Contact Details :
Authorised Officer's Details: Name: Mr. Y. Srikant (Chief Manager), Mobile No.80994 44378,82494
Property -1; All that part and parcel of the property consisting of Ac. 1.86 Cents or 9002.39 sq.yds in R.S. No.92, Ac.4.67 Cents or 22602.79 sq.yds in R.S. No.87, Ac 0.24 cents in R.S. No. 88/1, Ac. 2.72 cents in R.S. No.541/ 1, total to an extent of Ac: 9.49 cents or 45931.60 sq. yds of vacant Residential site situated near Polavaram R & B Road, Parimpudi Revenue Village, West Godavari District belonging to Sri Thota Rama Chandrudu, S/o. T. Sitaramayya, Vide Regd. Doc. No.3822/2015, dt. 23.03.2015 is bounded as follows. Boundaries; East: Land of Pali Veera Raghavulu, South: Land of Kadagatta Maha Lakshmi, West: Canal, North: Road