Punjab National Bank Auctions for Land And Building in Bishanpur,, Samastipur
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 4,41,900
Branch Name
:Sastra Division Purnea
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 44,19,000
Contact Details :
Authorized officer Mob: 7479032036 Mob No-9304758933
S NO 3
Simple Registered Mortgage land and building standing 1.13(2)-08.02.2023 in the name of Sri Krishna Mohan Singh s/o Late Madan Mohan Singh, property situated at Mouza Bansi Purandaha, Thana No. 189, R. S. Khata No. 211, R.S Khesra No. 2527/2528, Area 38.00 Decimal, Deed No. 21413 dated 06.12.2019 Boundry: N-Chandra Mohan Singh, S-Pitch Road, E-Jitendra Jha, W--Niz Khesra No. 1147,1148.