Bank of India Auctions for Land And Building in Thirupporur Tk, Kanchipuram
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:₹ 43,00,000
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Reserve Price : ₹ 4,30,00,000
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Authorised Officer (Contact No: 044-66777508, 66777462, 66777468 & 66777461)
S NO 7
DESCRIPTION OF THE IMMOVABLE PROPERTY: All that piece and parcel of building and land bearing Villa No.2 "ETERNIA" Door No.805, bearing Plot No.2 measuring an extent of 3510.42 Square Feet in PA Road, ECR Kanathur Reddykuppam Village, Thiruporur Taluk, Kanchipuram District comprised in Old Survey No.98/1 (part) R.Survey No.98/70 part and 98/71 part as per Patta No.2587, New Survey No.98/70A4 and 98/71E in above extent of 3510.42 and UDS 1008 Sq.ft in all totally measuring an extent of 4518.42 Sq.ft., and lying with in the Registration District of Chengalpet and Sub-Registration District of Thiruporur and within the limits of Thiruporur Panchayat Union and Kanathur Reddykuppam Panchayat. Property Owned by Dr. T G Raja Ramanan. Boundaries: North By: 24 Feet Common Passage of Eternia, South By: Land in Survey No.98 (Part), East By: Plot No.3, West By: Plot No.1. Measuring: North to South on the Eastern Side: 70.2084 Feet, North to South on the Western Side: 70.2084 Feet, East to West on the Northern Side: 50 Feet, East to West on the Southern Side: 50 Feet. Together with an undivided 1008 Square Feet being undivided 572.040 Square Feet in Plot No.5, at "ETERNIA" comprised in Old Survey No.98/70 part as per Patta Nos.2585.2588 New Survey Nos.98/70A2, A2, 98/70B2 and undivided 435.960 Square Feet in common passage at "ETERNIA" comprised in 98/71 part as Patta Nos. 2591, 2592, New Survey Nos.98/71C and 98/71D and within the Sub-Registration District of Thiruporur and Registration District of Chengalpattu.