Union Bank of India Auctions for Plot in Murungapakkam Revenue, Puducherry
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 38,39,400
Branch Name
:Stressed Assets Management Branch
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 3,83,94,000
Contact Details :
contact Number: 8291220220 Mr. M Gopal Tukkappa, Mob: 8437024555 D Deepa Devi, Mob. 8056159406
S NO 2
Description of immovable secured assets to be Sold "as is where is", "as is what is" basis: Property belonginging to Mrs.N laxmi: Item No.1: All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Puducherry sub Registration District, Puducherry Municipal Limit, No.41, Olandai Revenue Village, As per document T.S No.8/4, R.S. No. 49/1pt, Cad. No.156pt, 158pt, 159pt & 160pt,as per settlement register T. S.No.8/4/1, Patta No.1390, Ward No."K" Block No.6 plot No.80, in total extent of 2.301 Sq. Ftand covered by following boundaries: East of: Plot No. 81, North of: New Street, West of: Plot No.79, South of: Plot belongs to Kandasamy Mudaliar. Item No.2 All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Puducherry sub Registration District, Puducherry Municipal Limit, No.41, Olandai Revenue Village, As per document T.S No.8/4, R.S. No. 49/1pt, Cad. No. 156pt, 158pt, 159pt & 160pt,as per settlement register T. S.No.8/4/R, Patta No. 1694, Ward No."K" Block No.6 plot No.15 part in extent of 600 Sq. Ft. & plot No. 16 in extent of 1938 Sq.Ft in total extent of 2538 Sq.ft covered by following boundaries: East of: Plot No. 12,13 &14 owned by Dinesh, North of T.S.No.8/4pt, West of New Street, South of Southern portion Plot No.15. Item No.3: All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Puducherry sub Registration District, Puducherry Municipal Limit, No.41, Oluandai Revenue Village, As per document T.S No.8/4, R.S. No. 49/1pt, Cad. No. 156pt, 158pt, 159pt & 160pt, Patta No. 1694as per settlement register T. S.No.8/4/R, Ward No."K" Block No.6 plat No.48 in total extent of 1200 Sq.ftcovered by following boundaries: East of: Plot No.51 belongs to Dinesh, North of: Plot No.49, West of Newly provided piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Puducherry sub-Registration District, Street, South of Plot No. 47. Item No.4: All the Block No.6 plot Limit, No.41, Olaandai Revenue Puducherry Municipal Limit, No.41, Oluandai Revenue Village, As per document T.S No.8/4, R.S. No. 49/1pt, Cad. No. 156pt, 158pt, 159pt & 160pt,as per No.47 in total extent of 1200 Sq.ft covered by following boundaries: East settlement register T. S.No.8/4/R, Patta No. 1694, Ward No. "K" of: Plot No.52 owned by Dinesh, North of: Plot No.48 owned by Laxmi, West of: newly provided Street, South of: Plot No. 46. Item No.5: All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Puducherry sub Registration District, Puducherry Municipal register T.S. No.8/4/R, Patta Village, As per document patta No. 15, T.S No.8/4, R.S. No. 49/1pt, Cad. No. 156pt, 158pt, 159pt & 160pt, as per settlement No. 1694, Ward No. "K" Block No.6 plot No. 15 part &49 in total extent of 1800 Sq.ft covered by following boundaries: East of: Plot No. 14 & 50 owned by West of: Street, South of: Plot No.48 owned by Laxmi. Item No.6: All the piece and parcel of the Dinesh, North of: Plot No. 15 portion owned by Laxmi, property at Puducherry Registration District, Puducherry sub-Registration District, Puducherry Municipal Limit, No.41, Oluandal Revenue Village, As per document T.S No.8/4, R.S. No. 49/1pt, Cad. No.156pt, 158pt, 159pt & 160pt.as per settlement register T. S.No.8/4/H, Patta No.1522, Ward No. "K" Block No.6 plot No.79 in total extent of 2394 Sq.ft covered by following boundaries: East of: Plot No.80belongs to Laxmi, North of newly provided Street, West of Plot No.78, South of: T.S.No. 8/4 part belongs to Laxmi. Property belongs to Mr.Dinesh N Patel: Item No.7: All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Puducherry sub-Registration District, Puducherry Municipal Limit, No.41, Oluandai Revenue Village, As per document T.S No.8/4, R.S. No. 49/1pt, Cad. No.156pt, 158pt, 159pt & 160pt,as per settlement register T. S.No.8/4/R, Patta No.15, Ward No. "K" Block No.6 plot No.50 part in extent of 600 Sq.ft and plot No.51 part in extent of 1200 sq.ft in total extent of 1800 Sq.ft covered by following boundaries: East of: Plot No.48 849, North of Plot No.52, West of New Path, South of Plot No.50. Item No.8: All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Puducherry sub-Registration District, Puducherry Municipal Limit, No.41, Oluandai Revenue Village, As per document T.S No.8/4, part, Cad No.156Pt &160 Pt Patta No.15, Ward No."K" R.S. No. 49/1pt, Cad. No.156pt, 158pt, 159pt & 160pt as per settlement register T. S.No.8/4/R in extent of 1200 Sq.ft and plot No.53 part in extent of 600 sq.ft in total extent of 1800 Sq.ft covered by following boundaries: East Block No.6 plot No.52 of 20 feet Road, North of Plot No.51, West of Plot No.46 & 47, South of remaining Plot No.53 portion. Item No.9: All the piece and parcel of the property at Municipal Limit, Mudaliarpet Commune, No.44 Murungapakkam Revenue Puducherry Registration District, Puducherry Sub Registration District, Puducherry Village, Velrampet Village, T.S No.2/1, R.S.No. 202/1, Cad. No. 845, Patta No.23, Ward No. "N", Block No.4, Plot No.53 part in extent of 600 Sq.Ft & plot No.54 in extent of 1,200 Sq. Ft, in total extent of 1,800 Sq. Ft covered by following boundaries: East of: Plot No.45 & 46, North of: Plot No.55, West of: New Street, South of remaining Plot No.53 portion. Item No.10: All the piece and parcel of the property at Puducherry Registration District, Puducherry Sub Registration District, Puducherry Municipal Limit, Mudaliarpet Commune Village No.44 Murungapakkam Revenue Village, Velrampet Village, T.S No.2/1, R.S.No.202/1, Cad. No.845, Patta No.23, Ward No. "N", Block No.4, Plot No.55 in total extent of 1,200 Sq. Ft covered by following boundaries: East of: Plot No.44, North of: Plot No.56, West of: New Street, South of: Plot No.54. The above Items 1 to 10 with total extent of 18,033 Sq. Ft.