Union Bank of India Auctions for Land And Building in Manjeshwar, Kasaragod
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 1,70,00,000
Branch Name
:Stressed Assets Management Branch
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 17,00,00,000
Contact Details :
Contact: (During Office Hours):- File Handling Officer & File Handling Officer- Mr. Dhurandhar Ram Mob. No. 78000 03631.
Property No. 1:- All that piece and parcel of plot of land bearing Survey No. 116/1, 115/ (Pt), 114(Pt) admeasuring 11.13 acres situated at Village: Kunjathur in Manjeshwar Taluka, Kerala and within the Registration District of Manjeshwar in the M/s. Associate Plywood Industries Pvt. Ltd. (Under Physical Possession)