Indian Overseas Bank Auctions for Plot in Kannadi, Palakkad
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 8,00,000
Branch Name
:Asset Recovery Management Branch
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 80,00,000
Contact Details :
contact no:0422-2497178
Schedule 1. Property belonging to (1) Mrs. Nila Ferunnisha, W/o. Mr.S. Noor Mohamed, (2) Mrs. S. Barzana, W/o. M. Anwar Sadath and (3) Mrs.S. Rattiya, W/o Mr.M.A. Shahabudheen: (Property ID: 10BA15510098): All that part and parcel of property situated at Survey Number(s)-S.No. 258/4(O.S.No-405/3), T.P.No.191. Block No.50, Palakkad to Koduvayur Highway, Kannadi Village, Palakkad Taluk, Palakkad-678701, Kerala within the following Boundaries: a) S.No.258/4 ( 0.S.No. 405/3) Land Extent of 4.05 Ares belonging to Mrs. Nila Ferunnisha, W/o. Mr.S.Noor Mohamed As per sale deed-190/2000: North Property of Chandran, South Properties of Barzana and Raffiya, East: Property of Narayanasamy, West Property of Amala Hospital. b) S.No.258/4 (0.S.No. 405/3) Land Extent of 4.05 Ares belonging to Mrs. S Barzana, W/o. M Anwar Sadath -As per sale deed-191/2000: North: Property of Nila Ferunnisha, South Property of Amala Hospital, East: Property of Raffiya, West: Property of Amala Hospital. c) S.No. 258/4 (O.S.No. 405/3) Land Extent of 4.05 Ares belonging to Mrs.S. Raffiya, W/o. Mr.M.A. Shahabudheen As per sale deed-192/2000: North: Property of Nila Ferunnisha, South: Property of Amala Hospital, East: Property of Narayanasamy, West: Property of Barzana, Admeasuring total area of 12.15 Ares. The above property is situated within the limits of Palakkad Taluk, Palakkad District-678701