Union Bank of India Auctions for Plot in Somayampalayam, Coimbatore
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 6,11,000
Branch Name
:Asset Recovery Branch
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 61,10,000
Contact Details :
Contact No Me. Banat Skamor A. Chief Manager. Mobile No. 07654 79168
2) Coimbatore Registration District, Vadavalli Sub Registration District, Coimbatore North Taluk, Somayampalayam Village, Patta No.984, S.F No.205/1A in an extent of 3.01 Acres as per the New Division Patta No.1939 in S.F No.205/1A1 in an extent of 1.95 Acres out of 2.01 Acres land converted into layout and divided into vacant house sites and name and style of "COSMO GARDEN" and obtained approval from Deputy Director of Town and country Planning Authority Chennai and approval letter No:14336/2018/LA2 dated on 22.05.2019 and the same has Approved by the Secretary Coimbatore Local Town and Country Planning Authority Approval No:NA.KA.NO:6354/2017/U. THI.KU.3 and MA VA(KO.U.THI.KU) No.84/2020, in this Site No.21, having the following Boundaries and Measurements: North of Site No.25, South of East west Layout Road. East of: Site No.20, West of Site No.22 & 23, In this Measurement as follows: East-West of Northern Side: 30'0", East-West of Southern Side: 30'0", South-North of Eastern Side:51'10", South-North of Western Side: 51'10". In this Total extent of 1555 Sq.ft or 144.46 Sq.mtr or 3 cents 248 Sq.ft vacant land and building thereon together with all the layout roads and common rights in the anemities of said layout in common etc., with the building plan approval No. 173/2020-21 dated 15/09/2020. The above said property is mortgaged by Mr.Jeevananthan Chinnasamy