Karnataka Gramin Bank Auctions for House in Yeshwanthpur, Bengaluru
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 2,46,000
Branch Name
:Regional Office, Bengaluru
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 24,60,000
Contact Details :
Authorised Officer Phone No.9900691333
6. Description of Property: Residential property is having Residential House No. 1/2A (Southern Portion), House List No.314 & 315, Eastem portion of Property No.1 & 2 measuring E-W-22.5 ft and N-S-30 ft Standing in the name of Sri Manjunath A s/o Late Adaviyappa situated at 1st Cross, 1st Main, Revenue Layout, Nelagadaranahalli, Yeshwanthpura (H), Bangalore North Taluk (Tq). Bounded E-K.I.A.D Property, W-Others Property, N- Gowramma's Property and 4 feet Common Passage, S-Property No.3.