Karnataka Gramin Bank Auctions for Land in Doddaballapura Talk, Bengaluru
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 2,43,000
Branch Name
:Regional Office, Bengaluru
Service Provider
Reserve Price : ₹ 24,30,000
Contact Details :
Authorised Officer Phone No.9030862279
4. Description of Property: All the Part and parcel of the Immovable Property having Khatha No. 1447/3658/3658, measuring E-W-51 Ftand N-S-25 Ftstanding in the name of Lakshmana A Sio Late Anjinappa residing at Ward No.5, Dharmarayaswamy Nagara, Doddaballapura Town, Bangalore Rural. Bounded by E-Sunandamma's Property, W-Muthappa's Property, N-Munimarappa's Property, S-Road.