Asset Reconstruction Company (India) Ltd. (Arcil) Auctions for Plot in Ambattur, Chennai
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 4,14,000
Branch Name
:Dadar West, Mumbai
Service Provider
:Public Auction
Reserve Price : ₹ 41,40,000
Contact Details :
Shalesh Gaikwad Mob : 9867929121
Description of the Secured Asset being auctioned: Property owned by SUDHARRSHAN SV SCHEDULE A: All that piece and parcel of property measuring an extent of 7755 for tubos nung Plot No 118ind 3 No 102454092405/247, New Survey Ns060 suates Nagarpaage AnuraThDent and Bounded on the North by: Pors 113 South by Mitors Rod Eastby: Phe 115 West by: Plura No. 117 Lying with the Subcontatur and Raglaration of Schedula Beside Vahangxbulupama measuring 134030 tanasus beang Plot No. 16 of the building compania Called VON