Asset Reconstruction Company (India) Ltd. (Arcil) Auctions for Plot in Sholinganallur, Kanchipuram
Bank Details
Bank Name
:₹ 2,59,200
Branch Name
:Dadar West, Mumbai
Service Provider
:Public Auction
Reserve Price : ₹ 25,92,000
Contact Details :
Shalesh Gaikwad Mob : 9867929121
SCHEDULE 'A' PROPERTY: All that piece and parcel of vacant house site Plot measuring 1635 Sqft, bearing Plot No. 3A/2 Comprised in Old Patta No. 428, Old Survey No. 56/3A, New Patta. No 3441 as per Patta New Survey No 56/3A3, and 1392 Sq.ft., bearing Plot No.3A/3, Comprised in Old Patta No 428, Old Survey No. 56/3A, New Palta No. 3442, as per Patta New Survey No.56/344, in all total 3027 Sq.ft. Sub division Plan approved by ST. Thomas Mount Panchayat Union, vide Planning Permit No.320/2011, Office Letter No. 3036/11 Dated 29.04.11 and also approved by Nanmangalam is Grade Panchayat vide approval No. 37/11-12. Dated: 11.05.2011 Land Situated at Old No.98, New No. 19 NANMANGALAM VILLAGE, "CHROMEPET SALAI 3RD STREET, i Tamabaram Taluk Presently Sholinganallur. Taluk, Kancheepuram District, within the Sub-Registration District of Pallavaram and Registration District of Chennai-South. Bounded On The Northe By: Land in Survey No.56/18 South By: Plot No.3A/1, East By: 20 Feet wide Road. West By: Land in Survey No.56/1A& 56/2, Measurings For Plot No 3A/2 & Plot No.3A/3: East To West on The Northern Side: 54 Feet 45 Feet 9 inch East To West on The Southern Side: 55 Feet 54 Feet North To South on The Eastern Side: 30 Feet 30 Feet North To South on The Western Side: 30 Feet 5 Feet 21 Feet 6 Inches. In all admeasuring 3027 Sq. ft. SCHEDULE B' PROPERTY (HEREBY CONVEYED PROPERTY): An undivided share of land measuring 445 Sq.ft. out of 3027 Sq.ft. in Plot Nos 3A/2 & 34/3 and including common passage of right, title and interest in the schedule "A" mentioned above said property, together with all its contmon rights. This Property Lies Within The St Thomas Mount Panchayat Union Limits SCHEDULE "C" PROPERTY: Flat No. G-1 in Ground Floor, meassuring 812 Sq.ft., of super plinth Area (inclusive of common areas and common shares) and Undivided share of land measuring 445 Sq.ft. out of 1392 Sq.ft bearing Plot No.3A/3. 1635Sq.ft bearing plot No 3A/2