Union Bank of India Auctions for Land And Building in Mudaliarpet, Puducherry
Bank Details
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:₹ 1,33,50,000
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Reserve Price : ₹ 13,35,00,000
Contact Details :
Contact Branch Head Mr. M Gopal Tukkappa, Mob: 8437024555, Chief Manager: D Deepa Devi, Mob. 8056159406, Senior Manager: Mr. Balakrishna N. Mob. 9642743213
Description of immovable secured assets to be Sold "as is where is", "as is what is" basis: Property No.1: All that part and parcel of the property belonging to Mrs. Heerabai M Patel, (Extent 2 Kuzhis 14 Visam i.e 1197 Sft) along with the building thereon situated at Ward "K" block 6 T.S No.3/5, R.S.No.42/2, Cadastre Nos 125 pt 125 bis.pt, Patta No.1052, ECR 100 ft Road at Olandai Village Mudaliarpet, Pondicherry -605013and covered by following boundaries: East of: 100 feet Road and Mrs. Kamala's, North of: Land belongs to Mrs. Rajathiammal and Mrs. Kamala, West of: Vaikkal (Canal), South of: New Road (Path). Property No.2: All that part and parcel of the property belonging to Mrs. Heerabai M Patel, (Extent 13 Kuzhis Le 7488 Sft)along with the building thereon situated at Ward "K" block 6 T.S No. 3/5, R.S.No.42/2, Cadastre Nos 125 pt 125 bis.pt, Patta No. 1052, ECR 100 ft Road at Olandai Village Mudaliarpet, Pondicherry -605013and covered by following boundaries: East of:100 Ft Road, North of: Land belongs to Mrs. Rajathiammal, West of: Land belong to Mrs. Heerabai M patel, South of: Land belong to Mrs. Heerabai M patel. Property No.3: All that part and parcel of the property belonging to Mrs. Pushpa H Patel, (Extent 13 Kuzhis i.e. 7488 Sft) situated at Ward "K" block 6 T.S No.3/5, R.S.No.42/2, Cadastree Nos 125 pt 125 bis.pt, Patta No.1052 at ECR 100 ft Road, Olandai Village, Mudaliarpet, Pondicherry-605013 and covered by following boundaries: East of: Vendors Land and Land Purchased by Lakshmi, North of: Land belong to MrsHeerabai M patel, West of: Vaikkal(Canal), South of: New Road(Path), Property No.4: All that part and parcel of the property belonging to Mrs.N Laxmi Patel, (Extent 12 Kuzhis i.e. 6912 Sft) situated at Ward "K" block 6, T.S No.3/5, R.S.No.42/2part, Cadastre Nos 125pt, 125 bis.pt, Patta No.1052 at ECR 100 ft Road, Olandai Village, Mudaliarpet, Pondicherry -605013 and covered by following boundaries: East of: 100 ft Road, North of: Land belong to Mrs. Heerabai M patel, West of: Land belongs to Mrs. Heerabai M Patel and Mrs Pushpa H patel, South of: Land Belongs to Vendor. Property No.1 to 4 with total extent of 23085 Sq